Call For A Tarot Reading 0905 766 0004 75p/min, plus phone company access charge Pay By Card / International 0203 472 1015 Charged at standard network rate International Callers (+44) 203 472 1015 Network rates may vary Text "MOON" + Your Question Text 85358 £1 per message, £3 total. Readings sent as 3 messages. Messages sent by you are charged at standard network rate.
0905 766 0004 Calls cost 75p per min + your phone company’s access charge. 0203 472 1015: 20 mins for £12.99, 40 mins for £24.99, 60 mins for £34.99. You may receive free promo msgs. To opt out, text DSTOP to 447860033717. Texts to 85358: £1 per message , £3 total. Readings sent as 3 messages. Messages sent by you are charged at standard network rate. 18+ only. You must have the bill-payer’s permission. Service details will appear on your phone bill. Cannot discuss health, pregnancy, finance or legal. Entertainment only. We may send free promotional messages- To OPT out, text MBSTOP to 85358. SP : Allstar Psychics Ltd. Helpdesk: or call 0208 712 5690
Call For A Tarot Reading 0905 766 0004 75p/min, plus phone company access charge Pay By Card / International 0203 472 1015 Charged at standard network rate International Callers (+44) 203 472 1015 Network rates may vary Text "MOON" + Your Question Text 85358 £1 per message, £3 total. Readings sent as 3 messages. Messages sent by you are charged at standard network rate.
0905 766 0004 Calls cost 75p per min + your phone company’s access charge. 0203 472 1015: 20 mins for £12.99, 40 mins for £24.99, 60 mins for £34.99. You may receive free promo msgs. To opt out, text DSTOP to 447860033717. Texts to 85358: £1 per message , £3 total. Readings sent as 3 messages. Messages sent by you are charged at standard network rate. 18+ only. You must have the bill-payer’s permission. Service details will appear on your phone bill. Cannot discuss health, pregnancy, finance or legal. Entertainment only. We may send free promotional messages- To OPT out, text MBSTOP to 85358. SP : Allstar Psychics Ltd. Helpdesk: or call 0208 712 5690
Call For A Tarot Reading 0905 766 0004 75p/min, plus phone company access charge Pay By Card / International 0203 472 1015 Charged at standard network rate International Callers (+44) 203 472 1015 Network rates may vary
0905 766 0004 Calls cost 75p per min + your phone company’s access charge. 0203 472 1015: 20 mins for £12.99, 40 mins for £24.99, 60 mins for £34.99. You may receive free promo msgs. To opt out, text DSTOP to 447860033717. Texts to 85358: £1 per message , £3 total. Readings sent as 3 messages. Messages sent by you are charged at standard network rate. 18+ only. You must have the bill-payer’s permission. Service details will appear on your phone bill. Cannot discuss health, pregnancy, finance or legal. Entertainment only. We may send free promotional messages- To OPT out, text MBSTOP to 85358. SP : Allstar Psychics Ltd. Helpdesk: or call 0208 712 5690
Call For A Tarot Reading 0905 766 0004 75p/min, plus phone company access charge Pay By Card / International 0203 472 1015 Charged at standard network rate International Callers (+44) 203 472 1015 Network rates may vary
0905 766 0004 Calls cost 75p per min + your phone company’s access charge. 0203 472 1015: 20 mins for £12.99, 40 mins for £24.99, 60 mins for £34.99. You may receive free promo msgs. To opt out, text DSTOP to 447860033717. Texts to 85358: £1 per message , £3 total. Readings sent as 3 messages. Messages sent by you are charged at standard network rate. 18+ only. You must have the bill-payer’s permission. Service details will appear on your phone bill. Cannot discuss health, pregnancy, finance or legal. Entertainment only. We may send free promotional messages- To OPT out, text MBSTOP to 85358. SP : Allstar Psychics Ltd. Helpdesk: or call 0208 712 5690
10th March

Tarot Love Readings

Tag:  Weekly Blog   Author: Nicole Salamate

Love and relationship Tarot readings are very popular with our psychics here at Moonbar. Relationships are one of the biggest and most important aspects in our life so it’s no wonder that we want to feel secure and happy to plan for our future.

Loving someone is shown through our actions and in how we treat that person and is experienced as a feeling deep inside us that can be unmistakable and overwhelming at times. Many of us misunderstand what love is and how it should be. Holding on to unfulfilling relationships can often end up in us feeling hurt and lonely. People sometimes confuse love with negative feelings such as control, manipulation, lust and neediness. It shouldn’t be about wanting to ‘own’ someone or needing to manipulate them to be someone who they are not. Nor should we need others to define who we are, which can happen if we are insecure or low in self-esteem. Pure love should be about respect, support, trust, compassion and equality.  Falling in love can happen when you least expect it!

Loving Starts From Within…

To find true pure love, you need to be at a place in your life where you are happy and at peace with yourself. To love another, you need to love and respect yourself first, knowing your boundaries and therefore being clear about what you want and expect in your next relationship. Loving yourself first frees you of any past negative emotions which should be released so they do not reflect or influence your next relationship. You would not add photographs of your new relationship in to the same album as your past relationship. It would be better to start a fresh album, a new clean book for new exciting memories, completely separate to old ones! Communication is the absolute key; we should be able to talk about whatever we want with the person we love so it is fine to talk about the past, as long as we don’t carry it forward to the future.

You Deserve The Best…

Believe that you are worthy of true love. To love truly is not only to give love but to open your heart to receive it. Everyone deserves love and the more you feel it in your heart the more you will be able to give it out and receive it from others. The universe wants us to love one another! If we put it out there, we will get it back tenfold. Love blossoms with the more attention and care we give it, opening our hearts to the most important emotion we all want to feel. Love unconditionally with no attachments or expectations; accept people for who they are with no view or desire to change them in any way. Love does not judge, so have tolerance and step into the other person’s shoes once in a while. Understand why they make their decisions and have empathy and respect their choices.

Time To Heal…

Many of us find it hard to believe in true love. If we have been hurt in the past, we tend to close ourselves off to ever meeting someone for fear of history repeating itself. If we are putting out the energy that we do not want love in our life, we are unlikely to receive it. By opening ourselves to the opportunity of love and giving out energy that we are ready to receive it, will make it more likely for it to come to us. Timing is of great importance; you cannot end a relationship then decide you’re ready to meet someone else straightaway, even if things were not right for a long time. Healing time is needed between relationships as we often feel drained by the letting go of the emotions involved. We need time to evaluate what we have learnt and why it went wrong, gently arming ourselves with the knowledge and self-growth of who we are and what we eventually want in a long-lasting relationship. Give yourself the space and time to heal and let go of the hurts until you are in a peaceful place in your mind. It is imperative to release and be free of this negative energy. Once this is done, you can take the baby steps to start moving forward again. Subconsciously you will unlock the door and leave it open for love to step back in to your life…

Having a Love Tarot Reading can help empower you to either find the reassurance in your existing relationship or to let go of a negative relationship knowing that you will move forward with confidence. Our Love Tarot Readers can tune into both you and your partner, identifying any possible communication problems or barriers from an outside perspective. Sometimes, we may need a nudge to know that with a little work, a relationship is worth the effort to bring you long-term happiness within your partnership.

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How To Have A Reading

Phone Readings
You can call any of our gifted psychics by dialling 0905 766 0004.  Calls cost 75p/min, plus your phone company’s access charge.

Alternatively, you can pay by credit/debit card by calling (+44) 0203 472 1015. Calls are charged at your standard network charge.

You can also call by your mobile phone by calling 85358.  Calls cost £1 per min, no access charges.

Email Readings/Live Chat:
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